
The Pink Media Foundation (Stichting Pink Media), the organizer of the Roze Filmdagen, is recognized by the tax authorities as an PBO (ANBI) or 'public benefit organization (‘algemeen nut beogende instelling'). This means that we do not have to pay tax on donations, and that under certain conditions you can also deduct a grant to us from your income tax. With the status of ANBI also comes transparency; the most important data about us are listed below.

1 - Stichting Pink Media

Stichting Pink Media is our official name, but we are better known by the name of the festival we have been producing since 1996: De Roze Filmdagen | Amsterdam LGTBQ+ Film Festival

2 - RSIN / Tax Number


3 - Contact Details

Festival Director: Werner Borkes

Post Address:
Roze Filmdagen
Tolstraat 160
1074 VM Amsterdam
The Netherlands

4 - Board composition and Board Members

Wies Wagenaar

Martijn Krediet

Annemarie van Iren

Sidney Cruickshank

Sterre de Jong

5 - Policy Plan

The Stichting Pink Media has already organized 25 successful editions of the Pink Film Days | Amsterdam LGTBQ Film Festival since 1996.

In addition to producing the 26th edition in March/April 2023, we want to continue on the path to financial independence and expand each year through modest growth. At the same time, we want to maintain our qualities that reflect our familiarity and diversity.

Our policy plan looks as follows:

Roze Filmdagen | Amsterdam LGBTQ Film Festival will successfully complete its 26th edition from March 22 to April 02, 2023. The festival will take place at Het Ketelhuis Westergasterrein in Amsterdam once again. We expect to have 11 days dedicated to a vibrant mix of film, art, music, food and party - with our focus on film always leading the way.

In recent years, the film festival has experienced spectacular growth from 4,400 visitors in 2008 to 10,000 visitors in 2019. This has made us the largest LGBTQ+ festival in the Netherlands. The festival - although having a different focus - is a proud counterpart to Amsterdam Gay Pride. This gives Amsterdam a major LGBTQ event in the spring and one at the end of the summer.

In terms of content, for one more year, the festival will consist of a mix of feature films, short films and documentaries. Our target audience includes and welcomes - besides the entirety of LGBTQ+ community in all its facets - all film lovers regardless of sexual preference. With a mix of entertainment and culture, we want to highlight themes important to the LGBTQ+ community, and highlight the best that queer cinema has to offer With a special focus on short films, we want to offer new filmmakers a podium to showcase their craft but also with our range of events we want Roze Filmdagen to be a meeting point that promotes discussion, visibility, attention to current issues and of course have fun. Lastly, Roze Filmdagen always aims to promote Dutch LGBTQ+ films internationally.

6 - Compensation Policy:


There are three permanent paid employees for the festival whose salary is below modal. There is one production employee whose salary is also below modal. Most of the Roze Filmdagen staff work voluntarily.

Remuneration of board members:

The board members will never receive honorarium, salary or other material benefit from the foundation. However, they are entitled to reimbursement of expenses incurred in office and on behalf of the foundation, to the extent approved by the board.

7 - Statement of Intent

From the statutes, anno 1997: "The foundation aims to provide and (have) broadcast television programs and other multimedia expressions primarily intended for the homosexual community of the Netherlands and Flanders."

In practice, the objective has shifted to showing multimedia expressions in the setting of a film festival and related activities. And by "homosexual community" we explicitly mean gay, lesbian, trans, bi, queer and others.

8 - Report of activities performed

Please refer to the Management Report 2021 (in Dutch)

Please refer to the Management Report 2023 (in Dutch)

9 - Financial Accounting

For this purpose, see the Annual Accounts 2021 (in Dutch)

For this purpose, see the Annual Accounts 2023 (in Dutch)